"Just" Families and Friends was formed in 2005 by a group of parents and other interested family members of clients at "Just" People. Our purpose is to enable family members and friends of "Just" People members to meet each other, to share information, and to provide a forum to discuss relevant topics related to their special needs family member.
In addition, “Just” Families and Friends supports “Just” People in a variety of ways, including making financial donations to JP, providing and supporting special events and activities, including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinner to those clients who remain at the “Just” People residences during the holidays.
“Just” Families and Friends has an Executive Committee and by-laws which reflect our purpose and guide our planning. Meetings are held to provide members with relevant information.
Our purpose includes supporting “Just” People, its clients and families in the following areas:
- Promotion of communication between “Just” People, and “Just” Families and Friends, including communication of special events and activities
- Aiding and supporting “Just” Families and Friends members by providing current, updated relevant knowledge about support systems and other topics of interest to families with special needs requirements
- Supporting the participation of “Just” Families and Friends members in fund raising and other “Just” People activities